What is Your Role in Advocating for Young Children?

As families, educators and providers, we all play a vital role in shaping the future for our children. Our little learners are more than just today’s children; they are the architects of tomorrow. Advocacy is our tool to ensure their voices are heard, their needs met, and their potential unlocked. In this advocacy blog post, we’ll connect you to some advocacy groups in the early childhood education field that can equip you with essential skills to be an effective advocate.  In the first post, we will talk about our roles but in the future, we will highlight specific and relevant advocacy needs and topics. Together, we can champion quality education for every child. 

As partners in support of quality education, each of us plays a unique role in our advocacy efforts with a specific voice.   

As families: 

  • Learn about the benefits and importance of early childhood education and share your knowledge with others. 
  • Build relationships with local ECE providers and teachers, attend meetings, volunteer, and participate in school events. This can help you understand the teacher and provider’s needs. 
  • Join or form an advocacy group! Work with others by creating or joining a group that works to raise up voices and influence change. 
  • Contact policymakers by writing emails and letters and making phone calls. You can contact local state, and federal representatives to express your support for policies that benefit ECE programs and vote for candidates who support ECE. 
  • Use social media to share fact-checked articles, graphics, and other media advocating for ECE. You can even create your own advocacy posts. 

As teachers: 

  • Stay informed and engaged with best practices for ECE. Prioritize professional development and sharing of knowledge with your coworkers. 
  • Cultivate relationships with families and the community. Educate families on the importance of ECE. 
  • Make yourself a part of local, state, and national policy discussions. Join advocacy groups and get involved in their efforts. 
  • Work with your fellow teachers to advocate for ECE by joining committees, task forces, and professional networks focused on ECE issues. 

As providers: 

  • Educate and inform families, community members, and stakeholders about the benefits of ECE.  
  • Become members of professional organizations related to ECE and ECE advocacy work. Participate in these networks and get involved in their projects. 
  • Build relationships with local, state, and federal policymakers. These valuable connections can position you to influence change! 
  • Engage in public campaigns by using social media and public events to promote ECE.
  • Highlight success stories from your organization to show others the positive impacts of ECE.
  • Provide training and professional development that includes the most updated and best practices in the ECE field. This will equip your teachers and strengthen your organization.  

There is a path to advocacy for everyone! Some of us might be passionate about healthy eating while others are passionate about reading. All topics in the ECE field are important. Whatever your passion is, embrace it and share it with others.  

Advocacy comes in many forms. It can be formal or informal and can happen at a state level or nationwide. It looks different for everyone, but here are some ways to get involved: 

  • Read up on policies and learn more about childcare laws. 
  • Join social media groups and follow social media pages that share information and advocacy opportunities. 
  • Write letters and send emails to legislators. 

Montessori Children’s House is committed to advocating for quality early childhood education that supports students and teachers. When it comes to advocacy work, caregivers, teachers, and administrators all can make a difference.  There are many advocacy groups dedicated to strengthening the early childhood community, such as the  Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children, First Up and Build Your Advocacy Skills | NAEYC These organizations provide many resources for those looking to learn more about advocacy and get involved. 

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