Montessori Work

In honor of Montessori Education Week, we are going to highlight some Montessori Works out students are learning about. Through these experiences, children learn valuable and practical life skills, all while nurturing their exploratory spirits. Below are some of our students participating in some of their favorite Montessori Works!

Here, two students are using metal inserts to create shapes will learning the proper pencil grip.
Using a funnel, a student is learning to "pour and pause."
Here, we see a student using ribbons to practice weaving.
Here, we see a student using language to name each animal and the sounds they make while completing the farm puzzle.
The map this student is creating is traced, labeled, and colored in. In this map work, the student created his own world map.

All of these Montessori Works expand the students’ creativity and education. If you want to see more Montessori works, head to our photo gallery here!

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